In a perfect world, every human being would be respectful of those around them, including their property. In the world of real estate, that’s not always the case. An experienced property management company knows how to analyze a list of potential tenants, and weed out the bad ones from the group. However, Landlords who opt to rent out their properties by themselves could be in for a bumpy ride.

Those who have found themselves saddled with bad tenants know how frustrating it can be, but all hope is not lost. There are steps Landlords and property owners can take when it comes to dealing with terrible tenants, which will hopefully prevent further escalation.


Landlords who are forced to deal with terrible tenants should keep their focus solely on evicting them out as fast as possible. These bad apples will try to obfuscate, make excuses, and play for sympathy in an attempt to maintain their position, which is why it’s important for Landlords to remain steadfast.

Of course, there may be times when tenants are simply going through a bad time, and need a little understanding, but if the problem becomes chronic, there’s no recourse but to get them out. There’s no sense dealing with the headaches and stresses of a terrible tenant, especially when there are so many wonderful ones waiting in the wings who will respect your property, pay on time, and give you peace of mind.


One of the biggest mistakes Landlords and property owners make is neglecting to document a bad tenant’s history. Without a paper trail, it’s extremely difficult to build a case against them, especially if they have a history of non-payment, bad behavior and other offenses. 

Be as thorough as possible, including dates, times and notes about each encounter or problem. The more information you have, the more legit your case will become. Maintaining a log of emails and texts sent by tenants, which can provide context about their behavior is equally important. If possible, take pictures of property damage, or other violations of the contract. 


When dealing with a terrible tenant, it’s paramount that Landlords follow the guidelines in the Landlord and Tenant Act. Doing so will give the correct impression that the Landlord in question has done everything possible to rectify the situation, to no avail. If tenants are breaking the rules of the contract, or are behind on rent, it’s time to draft an eviction notice. 

The purpose of the eviction notice is twofold. First, it shows that you aren’t taking matters into your own hands, and you’re obeying the rules. Secondly, it will no doubt factor into the next phase of the process, which is getting an order from the Landlord and Tenant Board to officially remove the tenant from the premises. When sending the eviction notice, be sure to use a reputable courier with a tracking number, to prevent tenants from claiming that they never received it. 

The best case scenario is that late-paying tenants learn to pay on time to prevent any future notices from being filed, and destructive, belligerent tenants leave voluntarily of their own accord. The worst case involves taking further action via the Landlord and Tenant Board. 


Eviction laws vary by province, but the general consensus is that it can be very hard to evict a tenant as a rule. Therefore, following the aforementioned proper procedures can expedite the process, while making the experience that much smoother. The Landlord and Tenant Board must provide an order so that tenant belongings can be removed, the locks changed, and the eviction process can be completed.

Once the meeting with the LTB is complete, the tenant in question will no doubt be given a finite amount of time to get their belongings out, so that you can reclaim your property. Following the above steps guarantees that your case looks solid and bulletproof, which is extremely important. Even one small missing detail can threaten to derail the entire process, forcing you to start over.


Needless to say, the risks of renting out your property are noteworthy, which is why it’s important to always hire a property management company to oversee the details. At RentCore, we are experts at detecting red flag tenants before they make it through the screening process. In the unlikely event that a bad tenant manages to slip past our net, we have the experience and resources necessary to effectively remove them with little effort.

All things considered, most prospective tenants are good folks who won’t give property owners any trouble, and simply want a nice place to live. The best tenants are the ones that Landlords dream of, and give hearty recommendations down the road. 

RentCore is ready to assist you with renting out your property to the absolute best tenants in your area, so make sure to contact us directly so we can get started!